Spokane Historical is a web and mobile platform for telling stories of Spokane and Eastern Washington.
Spokane Historical is a project of the Public History program at Eastern Washington University. Most of the stories were created by EWU students. Spokane Historical is a free app available on your Android or iPhone smart phone or tablet.
Dr. Larry Cebula is Editor of Spokane Historical. He is a Professor of History at Eastern Washington University and the Assistant Digital Archivist for the State of Washington. Assistant Editor Anna Harbine and Allie Hounican do much of the day-to-day production work. Past Assistant Editors Frank Oesterheld and Lee Nilsson created many of the content standards used in the project.

Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission are local government programs that share responsibility for the stewardship of historic and architecturally significant properties within the City of Spokane and unincorporated areas of Spokane County. The website provides information about Spokane’s history, historic properties and districts as well as assistance with these important preservation tools:
The Spokane Register of Historic Places
Design Review for designated historic buildings
Local financial incentives for historic property rehabilitation
Certified Local Government programs
Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission

Visit the Spokane Public Library online to learn more about your property. Researching your house will give you a sense of appreciation for its history and lend insight into the customs and lifestyles of your predecessors. Unless your house is well-known or built by a prominent person, you are unlikely to find very detailed information about it, but with the resources below, you can put your house in its historical context. Many of these research methods can be applied to commercial buildings and other properties, as well.
The benefits to researching house history include:
- Learning about local history
- Determining historically-appropriate renovation, remodeling, interior decoration, and landscaping
- Possibly qualifying for historic register tax breaks

Newspapers.com is the largest online newspaper archive consisting of 599 million+ pages of historical newspapers from 17,100+ newspapers from around the United States and beyond. Newspapers provide a unique view of the past and can help us understand and connect with the people, events and attitudes of an earlier time.

The Washington State Digital Archives is the nation’s first archives dedicated specifically to the preservation of electronic records from both State and Local agencies that have permanent legal, fiscal or historical value.
Located in Cheney, WA on the Eastern Washington University campus, the new facility was designed from the ground up to host this technically complex program. The web interface and database storehouse were custom designed specifically for the Digital Archives to hold the unique and very important electronic records found throughout the state, and to provide simple, straight forward access to researchers.

The Washington State Historical Society is a non-profit membership organization, open to any and all individuals, families, or firms. Founded in 1891 and now into its second century of service, the Washington State Historical Society is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and vividly presenting Washington’s rich and storied history. The Historical Society offers a variety of services to researchers, historians, scholars, and lifelong learners, as well as operating the State History Research Center and the Washington State History Museum.

The Spokane History Researchers is a Facebook Group to share research questions and answers about Spokane History. The group encourages citing information sources and limiting sharing of personal memories unless directly related.
Research the History of Your House
Spokane Public Library can help you find the history of your home! Watch this introductory video to learn how.
Find your house history online
Learn how to find the history of your house online! In this video, we will share a few different places to find the information you are looking for.
The Value of Local Historic Districts
Spokane Historic Preservation Officer, Megan Duvall explains the importance of the Local Historic District designation to a neighborhood. What is the process is to form a District? What protection and value does it offer to the neighborhood? She answers these and other questions regarding this process.
Benefits of the Local Historic Register.
Ever wonder why you would bother registering your property on the local historic register? Historic preservation expert, Logan Camporeale, explains the benefits of that designation.
SPA’s Heritage Fund Grants:
Local preservationist, Lynn Mandyke, talks about the impact of SPA’s Heritage Fund Grants on the restoration and upkeep of Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens.
What is Compatible Infill?
Betsy H. Bradley is experienced as a heritage preservation specialist, historian, and professor of history and historic preservation. Her professional and academic interests center on the critique of policy, practice, and the evolving nature of the preservation field. In this video she talks about the important area of compatible infill.
Arts and Crafts Movement in the Pacific Northwest
Lecture presented by Lawrence Kreisman