Event Details

  • Date:

Saturday, April 19, at 5:30pm

Overbluff Cellars in the Historic Washington Cracker Company Building

at 304 W Pacific Ave, Spokane

Tickets $125 per person or $1,000 for a table for 8

For ticket sales, donations, and a catalogue of auction items click HERE!


Sparkle & Spend is Spokane Preservation Advocates’ Biggest fundraiser of the year. Our mission is to preserve and enhance the historic character of Spokane and Spokane County through advocacy, education, and preservation, and we rely on the commitment of many people to donate their time and financial support.


You will enjoy dinner catered by Inland Pacific Kitchen and find many ways to support our mission through silent & live auction items, a cork pull and more. Spokane Preservation Advocates appreciates your support and we are excited for you to come Sparkle with us!