Please help us keep our programs active! We use your membership fees and other donations to fund our programs, keep you informed, and make sure our collective heritage is protected. Your generous donation, coupled with your participation, will help to save Spokane’s historic buildings, landscapes, and character. Become a member today! SPA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.
Please click HERE to send an email and let us know how you would like us to apply additional funds beyond the membership fee.

Looking to renew your membership? This is the spot for you! We use your membership dollars to plan events, educate the Spokane community, and make sure our heritage is protected. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.
Membership Levels:
Student — $10
Individual - $30
Family — $50
Centurion - $100
Preserver - $250
Patron - $500
Benefactor - $1,000
Like all volunteer organizations, SPA is only as successful as its volunteers make it. We have a lot to do and always need people to help us do it. We’re not always working, though. We have numerous social activities and events that require helpers, too.
We welcome volunteers to our committees, especially those who would like to take up leadership positions now or in the future. Volunteers who help with our annual events might be part of the year-long planning effort or help with a one-time task only.
If you wish to participate in SPA’s preservation efforts, several opportunities exist for you to do so. Get involved and have some fun while helping to preserve Spokane’s architectural heritage!