In 2004, a study by the Brookings Institution found that if trends of development in the US continued unabated, by 2030 82 billion square feet, or nearly one-third of the nations buildings, will have been torn down and rebuilt. Energy used during this process would equal that required to power the entire state of California for a decade. That’s 37 million people! Preservation advocates have made inroads, encouraging sustainable development, but there remains a great deal of work to do.
Development Committee
Dawn Wynne, Chair
SPA’s mission is the preservation of historic properties in Spokane County through advocacy and education. Action of this sort requires the commitment of many people, giving of their time and offering their financial support. The Development Committee creates opportunities for community members to engage in these ways. Strengthening membership is primary, as historic preservation requires people who are committed to the process. The Development Committee works to increase membership through engagement of new members and retention of existing members. Preservation also requires money. Beyond membership dollars, fundraising through corporate donors and special events raises the funds necessary for preservation advocacy and education. Additionally, SPA maintains a legal advocacy fund, offers public recognition of community stewards, and gives direct monetary disbursements through our Heritage Fund Grants.

Pollyanne Birge, Chair
SPA’s mission is preservation, and Heritage Fund Grants are the means of direct action. The Heritage Fund exists to provide monetary grants for the work of historic preservation. Eligible projects can be various: projects that provide a public benefit like plaques, signs or markers; educational projects that increase awareness of preservation; historic register nominations; or historic surveys or inventories. Eligible projects can also involve “bricks and mortar,” typically the enhancement of a historic building or space. Physical project work must conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and must comply with local design guidelines when applicable. Also, properties must be on or deemed eligible for the Spokane Register of Historic Places, Washington Heritage Register, or National Register of Historic Places. Applications are accepted throughout the year with grants awarded on a biannual cycle.
This committee has been combined with the Advocacy committee.
Sabrina Lindquist, Chair
Spokane Preservation Advocates love parties! We have parties before functions, parties after functions, and functions that are just a party. As such, the Hospitality Committee is vital. Historic preservation is important work, but so is having fun. Sustaining our community’s cultural and economic vitality through a commitment to heritage architecture is best accomplished when we are connected to each other.

“Preservation is making opportunities for contact with our shared heritage, and that is the glue that holds us together.”
Richard Moe, Past-President of the National Trust
“Preservation of historic properties demonstrates long-term vision by preserving irreplaceable cultural resources and promoting sustainability practices by conserving our limited environmental resources.”
WA Trust for Historic Preservation
“Historic preservation encourages cities to build on the assets they have—unleashing the enormous power and potential of older buildings to improve health, affordability, prosperity, and well-being.”
National Trust for Historic Preservation